We are a 501(3)c Charitable Non Profit Organization, that serves those in undeserved areas in South Jersey. We serve them by providing resources that will change their lives, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Our main focus is to serve those that are homeless and living on the street to work towards learning skills that will renew their thinking, and to be motivated to get off the street and being able to occupy an apartment or a house successfully.
Street Ministry for November 15, 2014 in Camden, NJ
Please watch this video. For the most part, there are some homeless that will conscientiously, remain
living on the streets due to "emotional" or "mental" challenges. However, not all, welcome or want to
continue living on the streets, without hope. Who are we to "judge" what led them to being homeless
(Exodus 23: 6, "Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause).
Know matter what the "reason", we have a job to do. Psalms 41:1, states, "Blessed is he that considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble".
We are heading out on Saturday, to Camden, to pray, give a Word, and to pray for those who after
all they've been through, still loves the LORD, Jesus Christ, and to those that will submit and willfully, turn their hearts "towards" God.
Won't you come out and pray with somebody. Won't you come out and give a "hug" to someone
that can't remember the last "hug" they received.
Won't you come out and sing a song to God that will encourage their heart.
Since it's getting cold, depending on the weather, free haircuts will be given. Also,
very good soup, will be dispensed.
We are looking forward in pointing them to Christ and to teach them "how and what" they
need to do to move from living on the streets,Tearing down Tent City to living in a nice home they can call their own.
We plan to nourish their body and their soul, as we work on making it possible for them to have
a place of their own.
God Bless.