
Team Isaiah54 Project Street Ministry - November 2015

This morning, Team Isaiah54 Project hit the street of Camden. We fed and ministered to at least 100 less fortunate and gave out clothing. We had to pray for deliverance of a woman with a demon. There were two women that took the MIC and sung old time gospel. I want to thank, Doris Santana, Lynn Neal, Mathew Jefferson, Siafa Fahnbulleh, Beka Ragnetti, Sabrina George, Rodney Walker, and Valerie Jefferson. What an anointed team!!

As Isaiah54 Project works to build up self-esteem and self-value to the people that we talk to lives
change because they see that there are people that know there is more in them to succeed instead of others that look down on them. Through Isaiah54 Project, the love that is shown to the people they
are drawn to us. One of Isaiah54 Project's goal is to help encourage those that are living on the streets
to get off the streets. Rodney Walker, was one of those that we encouraged during our five years
volunteering in the same place. Rodney, knows exactly what the people faces and what they need to
get detoxed, get a job and his own place.  Rodney would tell you that God is good and so is life.
This is proof that Isaiah54 Project is out here doing a great job and meeting its goal of letting them know it is possible. When he speaks to the crowd they can relate to him.

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